Oregon, Wisconsin is Open for Business!
Planning to relocate or expand your business? Take a look at what the Oregon area has to offer!
Commitment to Smart Development
Both the Oregon Area Chamber of Commerce and the Village of Oregon are committed to economic development in the Oregon area, engaging in ongoing economic development efforts to attract new businesses, create job growth and assist local businesses. Economic growth helps reduce the tax burden and lifts the quality of life for us all. And, the Chamber and the Village work well together in partnership towards this common goal.
Expedited Timelines
We understand that delays cost money. Here in Oregon, you can expect an expedited approvals process. Unlike some other communities, we won’t bounce your project from committee to committee over the course of months or even years. We can schedule special meetings or joint meetings where applicable to accommodate your timeline. If the project fits our community, we’ll work hard to minimize the time it takes to go from renderings to shovels in the ground. We’ve got some great sites and development incentives available for the right projects and we’d love to talk about relocating or expanding your business in the Oregon area!
Contact Us
For more information about the local business environment, business assistance and incentive programs, contact the Oregon Area Chamber of Commerce to talk about your project. We’d love to show you why your business should call the Oregon area home!
Click HERE for a listing of available commercial real estate rentals!